This HTML primer is intended for PerfectWeb clients looking for a quick HTML lesson in order to add formatting to content they control, and just a few tags are covered. For more in-depth study, try a Google search for "HTML tutorial".
HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is the scripting language that makes up web pages. HTML is comprised of tags that start with a < and end with a >. Almost all tags have a closing tag that looks the same except starts with </. For example, the tag for bold is <b> and the closing tag is </b>. Putting text in between those tags will make it bold, like this: <b>bold text</b>. So if you want to make some text bold, add the bold tags around it.
Here are some more tags to play with:
<i>italic</i> creates: italic
<div align="center">center</div> creates (on it's own line):
<font color="red">red text</font> creates: red text
(available colors are: aqua black blue fuchsia gray green lime maroon navy olive purple red silver teal white yellow)
It is essential to use a closing tag for every tag used, or else your web page can look very wrong.
If you want to use more than one tag, the tags must be nested. That means you can't have a tag start within another tag and not also end inside the other tag. For example, this is wrong: <b><i>formatted text</b></i> because the italic tag opened inside the bold tag, but closed outside the bold tag. The correct way would be <b><i>formatted text</i></b>. Here are some combined tag examples:
<b><i>bold italic</i></b> creates: bold italic
<font color="red"><i>red italic</i></font> creates: red italic
If you need to indent a line, you will need to use several non-breaking spaces. A non-breaking space is created like this:
Those are a few of the basic tags you can work with. If you are a client and having trouble formatting your content, please contact us for assistance.
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HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is the scripting language that makes up web pages. HTML is comprised of tags that start with a < and end with a >. Almost all tags have a closing tag that looks the same except starts with </. For example, the tag for bold is <b> and the closing tag is </b>. Putting text in between those tags will make it bold, like this: <b>bold text</b>. So if you want to make some text bold, add the bold tags around it.
Here are some more tags to play with:
<i>italic</i> creates: italic
<div align="center">center</div> creates (on it's own line):
<font color="red">red text</font> creates: red text
(available colors are: aqua black blue fuchsia gray green lime maroon navy olive purple red silver teal white yellow)
It is essential to use a closing tag for every tag used, or else your web page can look very wrong.
If you want to use more than one tag, the tags must be nested. That means you can't have a tag start within another tag and not also end inside the other tag. For example, this is wrong: <b><i>formatted text</b></i> because the italic tag opened inside the bold tag, but closed outside the bold tag. The correct way would be <b><i>formatted text</i></b>. Here are some combined tag examples:
<b><i>bold italic</i></b> creates: bold italic
<font color="red"><i>red italic</i></font> creates: red italic
If you need to indent a line, you will need to use several non-breaking spaces. A non-breaking space is created like this:
Those are a few of the basic tags you can work with. If you are a client and having trouble formatting your content, please contact us for assistance.
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